A New You

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Nov 03

Tools & Tips for Finding Joy in Adversity

How do we obtain emotional freedom that leads to joy? Or how do we possess joy in the midst of adversity? A Healing Peace provides 10 practical tips for overcoming anxiety while examining techniques that promote self-care. Learn how to improve emotional stability by connecting with God and oneself.
Oct 06

Tools & Tips for Cultivating Self-Worth

Dee Ann indicated several times that understanding our worth begins with seeing, hearing, and receiving how God sees us. For the Samaritans, they stopped seeing, hearing and receiving Christ (Luke 9:53). They reverted to their previous understanding that their cultures hated one another. As soon as they began to think that Jesus was not for […]
Sep 08

Tools & Tips for Preserving Your Value

1. Charice shared how the brain protects us from trauma. She also expressed that God does not expose deeper issues until we are equipped to deal with them. Therefore, when the issues or memories surface, try to remember that God is letting you know that it is time to heal in that area. 2. Charice […]
Jul 21

Tools & Tips for Healthy Family Dynamics

The first tip is if you have not heard it before, we all got problems! I guess that’s not a tip rather a statement of fact. The tip is while we all have our journey, there are common experiences that we possess. In these common experiences, we also have resources to help us through them. […]
Jun 16

Tools & Tips for Tackling Fear & Disappointments

1. Fears are hidden, but also become idols as we are so consumed by what we fear that we alter our lives. We stop living the life that God wants for our lives. Therefore, tip number one identify areas of your life where you alter your course due to fears. Jot down the outcome. Take […]
Apr 28

Tools & Tips for Dealing With Isolation

1. I asked the question how do we deal with anxiety, anger, and depression? Bev, a professional counselor responded that these emotions are given to us by God for us to turn to Him for the answers? Our first tip is to go to God when you are bombarded by crazy emotions. Spend time talking […]
Mar 31

Tools & Tips for Biblical Meditation

Normally when people blow-up and say crazy things to me, I brush it off. I am like that is your problem. Do not give me your problem! But recently, I had an experience, where I was not prepared for the blow-up. I was working with a client and it came out of nowhere. The things […]
Mar 03

Tools & Tips for Living an Abundant Life

Shame and Guilt have negative consequences in our lives. The first consequence is that we remain trapped in trauma or bad situations. Instead of having the freedom to pursue healthier life styles (emotional and physical self-care), shame and guilt contributes to re-living pain and trauma. Why? We feel so bad that it becomes difficult to […]
Jan 28

Tools & Tips for an Overcomer

Self – Care: I spoke briefly at the beginning of the interview about self-care. Self-care comes in many forms from resting, taking care of your body, i.e. what you drink, what eat, exercising. It also comes in the form of taking time for yourself to recover from life’s ups and downs. Yes, your healing journey […]